Wednesday, March 7, 2018

About this Blog - A WORK IN PROGRESS

This Blog, started in March 2018 at the suggestion of my dear Cousin Fran Levine, is (and I emphasize);  A WORK IN PROGRESS. This Blog is in an incomplete, early stage! The Blog name "Leibowitz" was already taken, so I chose the  next best "Leib-owitz". Tell everyone to click:

Please look around and I hope all my fellow descendants of Dina and Isaac Leibowitz will pitch in and contribute much more information, corrections to my mistakes and confused memories, and new Topics.

Any descendant or spouse may, upon request and  confirmation, become an Authorized Author on this Blog. Authorized Authors will have their Comments appear instantly, without having to wait for me to Moderate and approve them, and also have the right to originate a New Topic (by clicking "New Post").

If you have never posted Topics to a blog, or have never used Google Blogger (BLOGSPOT), it is easy and I can help. Communicate via my main email

OVERVIEW - This Blog has several sections.

Looking at the Central Section:

Header: Three photos: a) Dina and Isaac Leibowitz and their first three children, ca. 1892; b) Picture postcard of Catherine Street in Ekaterinoslav, ca. 1910; c) Photo of some victims of the 1905 pogrom in Ekaterinoslav, to remind us of the continual danger we Jews seem to have to live with and overcome. A statement of the purpose of this Blog appears after the photos.

Quick Selection Bar: Links to several foundational Topics.

TOPICS AREA: Most recent Topic is at the top, followed by others according to date posted.

If you click on a Quick Selection item, or a label, the selected Topic(s) will be at the top.

Looking at the right Side Bar:

Most Popular Topics: A thumbnail image plus the Subject and first line of text from each of the currently most popular Topics. Click in this area to open the selected Topic.

Leibowitz Family Links:         >>> I NEED HELP HERE <<<<
I've constructed a family tree as an indented list, starting with Dina Leibowitz and Isaac Leibowitz and including all the descendants whose names I could remember. Please check your name (and links) and let me know if you'd like it to be changed in any way. Also check the names of others you know better than me and let me know those I've left out.

I intend to make the names clickable, so, for example all Topics that include the Label "Louis Leibowitz" will appear in the central TOPICS section when anyone clicks on his name.  

As an example, please notice the links following my name: Ira Glickstein {f} {Blog}. If anyone clicks the {f}  they will go to the PUBLIC feed from my Facebook page. Similarly, a click on {Blog} will bring up my main Blog (TVPCLUB.BLOGSPOT.COM). If you'd like me to put similar links after your name, please ask.

Following the indented list of names, I've added a list of GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATIONS where my fellow descendants have lived or currently live. I intend  to make these clickable as well.

Labels: Topics may each have up to 10 Labels. Google Blogger automatically generates this alphabetic list of labels. Click any Label to get associated Topic(s) to appear in the Central TOPICS AREA.

Ira Glickstein


  1. I found this photo labeled Fernando y Susana Gamboa:

  2. Another one.

  3. Lisa: THANKS for the links to Susana Gamboa and her husband Fernando! Here they are in clickable form:

    I'd love it if you (or Cousin Fran) would do some new research and add a new Topic to our Leib-owitz Blog about Susana and her work in Mexico.
    Love, Ira
